Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS)

It is a self-report questionnaire that measures the level of satisfaction with the marital relationship.


Marital satisfaction is one of the most critical factors in a healthy family performance (Greef, 2000). Schoen et al. (2002) define marital satisfaction as a global assessment of one’s marriage and a reflection of marital happiness and functioning. Marital satisfaction is a conscious feeling of happiness and pleasure experienced by a spouse while considering all current aspects of his or her marriage (Chandrakanth, 2015). Marital satisfaction can be defined as a person’s mental state reflecting marriage’s perceived benefits and costs (Nadia & Shahid, 2012).

The Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale is a tool for assessing the quality of marital relationships. Psychologists Caryl Rusbult and John Morrow created the scale in the 1980s as part of their research into the factors that contribute to.