Whether you’re a small business or a contractor, deciding to start a company is a big step. In a legal sense, you’re choosing to separate your business from yourself, which comes with new responsibilities, eg how tax is paid and your relationship with government agencies.
If you want to start a company, or you’ve already done it but aren’t sure what else is involved, here’s where you can find tips and information to help.
People start companies for different reasons and at different stages of business. Some people thrive on launching businesses and will do so several times over their careers. For others, it may be the next step in a journey that started as a one-person, sole trader business, or you may be a contractor who sees the benefits of operating as a registered company.
Before you start, make sure you have a clear idea of why you’re starting a company, and whether it’s the best structure for your business. Use our tips and tools to test your business idea and see if it’s the right decision for you.
Is a company the best structure for your business? Use our Choose Business Structure tool to check that it’s right for your business’s needs. Just three quick questions and you’re on your way.
Starting a company is a simple process in New Zealand compared to many other countries, but there are legal obligations you must meet and processes to go through.
You must register your company with the Companies Office. This is known as incorporating a company.
You can do this online:
1. Sign in to the Companies Office website with your RealMe® login . No RealMe login? You’ll need to create one.
*RealMe® is a registered trademark of the New Zealand government and New Zealand Post
2. Register your company by:
When you register a company it will automatically get an NZBN (New Zealand Business Number) — a unique identifier that any business in New Zealand can now have. Using it will speed up your interactions with government, suppliers and customers and other businesses, eg sharing invoicing details.
Your company must file an annual return with the Companies Office each year to confirm it’s still operating as a company.
If you don’t file your annual return each year, your company risks being removed from the Companies Register.
An annual return is not a tax return or a financial statement. It includes the:
There’s a small fee to file an annual return. You can file online on the Companies Office website. If you haven’t done this before, you’ll need a RealMe® login to register for a Companies Office account.
*RealMe® is a registered trademark of the New Zealand government and New Zealand Post
Read full Close Read full CloseIt’s never too early to think about intellectual property (IP), which includes your company name, logos and trade marks. When you protect IP, eg by creating a trade mark for your company name or brand, you’re safeguarding the time, money and effort you put into a business.
If you’re going to advertise your business name, check before registering the name that someone else doesn’t already own the trade mark. Use our ONECheck tool to look up business names, web domains, trade marks and social media usernames.
IP will be important throughout your business’ lifespan. So make sure you understand what it is and why it’s important.
Every company must have directors, even if there is only one. You must tell the Companies Office who your company’s directors are and provide details about them.
You may own the whole company or share ownership with other people who’ve invested in it, ie shareholders.
Every company must have at least one share and one shareholder, with a record of this on the company’s own share register.
In some companies, one person or a group, eg members of a family, may own all the shares. Other companies list their shares on the stock exchange where the public and other companies can buy them.
If you take on investors or decide to sell the company, you can do this by selling some or all of the shares.
No matter how many shareholders your company has, you must decide how many shares the company will have.
You must give this information to the Companies Office when you register your company.
It’s a good idea to set out these things in a shareholder agreement. An advisor, eg specialist lawyer, can help you do this.
A company constitution sets out the rights, powers and duties of the company, its board, each director and shareholders. You don’t have to have a constitution — most don’t — but it may prove useful in the future as your company changes, eg looking for investment by issuing more shares. You can always adopt a constitution later.
It’s a good idea to get legal advice when creating or changing your company’s constitution.
Many companies start out with only the owners working in the business. But you may need to hire people to help you grow. If you hire staff, you must register as an employer with Inland Revenue.
A company with staff has obligations to government, eg handling ACC and tax, and to its employees, eg health and safety and legal employment agreements. Check out our tips, tools and information to help you with every step of being an employer.
People often start a business because they want to make a living from certain skills they have. However, you can’t be an expert in all areas of business, eg day-to-day finances or business planning, as well as your specialist area — and you shouldn’t have to try to be. Think about getting advisors, eg accountants, mentors and lawyers, to help you from an early stage.