CompTIA Certification Testing

CompTIA is offering our candidates online certification testing

Online testing is ideal because candidates can:

Why CompTIA Certifications?

CompTIA vendor neutral certifications are the starting point for a career in IT. Earning a CompTIA certification proves you have the right skills, and is the starting place for a career in IT.

Wondering what it’s like to take a CompTIA Exam? Watch this video »

CompTIA certification updates and retirements

Planning to earn or currently have a CompTIA certification? Stay up to date with CompTIA certification exam retirements, launches, CE and other useful information. Learn more at CompTIA Certifications website »

CompTIA certification exam policies

Buying an exam voucher or training materials

Scheduling your exam

To schedule, reschedule or cancel your exam, use the Sign In and Create account links on this page. Click on the Locate a test center link to find a test center near you.

Sharing your Certification status

If a third party (employer, academic institution, military etc.) has paid for you to take a CompTIA exam or to participate in the CompTIA Continuing Education (CE) program, upon request CompTIA will share your certification status and/or progress in completing your CE requirements with the third party. Visit the CompTIA website for more information.

CompTIA Membership

Information technology has a significant presence in all areas of business today, and its prevalence is reflected in the span of CompTIA’s membership. CompTIA members receive a variety of benefits, like specialized initiatives and programs dedicated to major areas within the IT industry.