Csaba bekes hungarian foreign policy

Hungary's international relations after World War II

The role of the East Central European states in the Cold War

Political transition in East Central Europe

The history of European integration

Selected Publications

Hungary and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact (1988–1991). Journal of Cold War Studies, 25: 4 pp. 4-23., 21 p. (2023)

Hungary's Cold War: International Relations from the End of World War Two to the Fall of the Soviet Union. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. New Cold War History series, 2022.


Bevezető. A magyar külpolitika fő vonásai, 1945–1990. [Introduction. Main trends of Hungarian foreign policy, 1945–1990]. In: Magyarország külkapcsolatai (1945–1990). [International relations of Hungary, 1945–1990]. Szerk. Horváth Sándor, Kecskés D. Gusztáv, Mitrovits Miklós, Budapest, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Történettudományi Intézet, 2021, 11–52.

Enyhülés és emancipáció. Magyarország, a szovjet blokk és a nemzetközi politika, 1944–1991. [Détente and emancipation. Hungary, the Soviet Bloc and international politics, 1944–1991] Budapest, Osiris kiadó – MTA TK, 2019.

The Long Détente and the Soviet Bloc, 1953–1983. In Oliver Bange, Poul Villaume (Eds.) The Long Détente. Changing concepts of security and cooperation in Europe, 1950s-1980s. Central European University Press: Budapest–New York, 2017, 31–49.

The History of the Soviet Bloc 1945–1991. A Chronology. Part 5. 1988–1991, Cold War History Research Center: Budapest, 2017 (www.coldwar.hu)


Békés Csaba: Hungary, the Soviet Bloc, the German question and the CSCE Process, 1965–1975. Journal of Cold War Studies. Vol. 18. No. 3. Summer, 2016, 95–138.

Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary, and Austria 1944/45–1948/49. Csaba Békés, László Borhi, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ottmar Trasca (Eds.). Central European University Press: Budapest – New York, 2015.

Békés Csaba: Cold War, Détente and the Soviet Bloc. The evolution of intra-bloc foreign policy coordination, 1953–1975. In: Mark Kramer, Vit Smetana (Eds.): Imposing, maintaining and tearing open the iron curtain: the Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945–1989. Lexington Books: Lanham, Maryland, 2014, 247–278.

Détente and the Soviet Bloc, 1975–1991. In: Rasmus Mariager, Helle Porsdam, Poul
Villaume (Eds.): The ‘Long 1970s’. Human Rights, East–West Détente, and Transnational Relations. Routledge: London–New York, 2016, 165–183.

Hidegháború-enyhülés- új megközelítésben [Cold War – détente: revisited]. Külügyi Szemle, 2014. 4. sz. 3–18.


Hungarian foreign policy in the bipolar World, 1945–1991, Foreign Policy Review [Budapest], 2011. 65–97.


Békés Csaba: East Central Europe, 1953–1956. In Melvyn Leffler, Odd Arne Westad (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Vol. 1.: Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2010, 334–352.

Békés Csaba: Hungary and the Prague Spring. In: Günter Bischof, Stefan Karner, Peter Ruggenthaler (Eds.): The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968. Lanham–Boulder–New York: Lexintgon Books, Rowman and Littlefield, 2010. 371–395.

The Warsaw Pact and the Helsinki Process, 1965–1970. In Wilfried Loth, Georges-Henri Soutou (Eds.): The Making of Détente: Eastern and Western Europe in the Cold War, 1965–75. London–New York: Routledge, 2008. 201–220.

Why was there no “Second Cold War” in Europe? Hungary and the East–West Crisis following the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. In: Mary Ann Heiss, S. Victor Papacosma (eds.): NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Intrabloc conflicts. The Kent State University Press: Kent, Oh., 2008. 219–232.

Evolúció és revolúció. Magyarország és a nemzetközi politika 1956-ban. [Evolution and Revolution. Hungary and International Politics in 1956] (Szerk.) Békés Csaba, Gondolat Kiadó–1956-os Intézet: Budapest, 2007.

Az 1956-os magyar forradalom a világpolitikában [The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and World Politics]. (Second enlarged edition) 1956-os Intézet: Budapest, 2006.

Európából Európába. Magyarország konfliktusok kereszttüzében, 1945–1990. [From Europe to Europe. Hungary in the Crossfire of Conflicts, 1945–1990] Gondolat Kiadó: Budapest, 2004.

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. A history in documents. Csaba Békés, Malcolm Byrne, János M. Rainer [eds.] CEU Press: Budapest–New York, 2002.

Research Projects

The role of the East Central European states in the Cold War 1945–1991

Cold War History Research Center – at HAS Centre for Social Sciences and Corvinus University of Budapest (Special Report 1998 – 2018) (www.coldwar.hu)

Work in Progress

Békés Csaba – Kecskés D. Gusztáv: Magyarország NATO-csatlakozásának története, 1988‒1999 (monográfia)

[The history of Hungary’s accession to NATO, 1988–1999 – monograph]